Heritage Park #1
Originally uploaded by knittinggrammy84
Gosh it was fun!
This afternoon a group of us went to the Heritage Park Fall Fair to see how our entries fared... And, it turns out, not so bad at all! We four all won ribbons; 8 between us because Marilynnie earned best of the category AND best of show with her Tina shawl. Michellie won ribbons on fair isle mittens and cabled socks (clearly she kicks some butt when it comes to socks!). Kathleen got a ribbon on her Mr. Greenjeans sweater and best of show on a framed photo that she took. How amazing and wonderful!
Me? I did great. I came home with a 1st for the Hemlock Ring blanket (thank you Jared!), and a second on my Magi-Cardi (thank you Amy!).
We went to the 'bank' at Heritage Park to collect our winnings... between us? $14.50, not including additional prize money that Marilynn will have won.
Afterwards, we laughed and sang, and laughed and sang some more. It was a really excellent day, spent with really excellent people. I'm still grinning.
You should be grinnin'! You won a rib-bon! YOU won a rib-bon!... I'm grinnin', too!
Nice job. That's got to be fun.
Congratulations! How did you spend all that loot? lol!!
Thanks for an amazing day Bananie!! Woot!!
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