.. with the endless desperation that can only be matched by how I felt about this, last week:

I sometimes feel this way about impossibly slim addi turbo lace needles, in size 000; and in all honesty the chances of either of them being well used is about the same. 000.
Ok.. socks.
My plans for last night abruptly changed. Up until 4:58pm I thought I was going to Aunty Tink's with Michellie for the sock exchange. Turns out there was a bad truck/trailer accident on the Deerfoot, and Dida couldn't get Mug back to the shop in time (its convoluted, I know). Plan B: I go back to the house, and when Dida gets there, I'll go to Aunty Tink's.... or.. I'll stay here for an hour and wait for Ike to get off off work, and then go.
Well, things went from bad to worse, involving a cat, a mouse, two dogs and a teenager. There was screaming. There was jumping on furniture. There were two dogs trying to get one cat who was trying to hang on to one mouse, desperately attempting to remain alive. There finally came a point that I just thought.... you know... now might be an excellent time to lay down.
The good news is that Amy got the socks I knit. If you have read comments, you will know that she really wanted them... and that makes me happier than words can say. I hope she will take a picture, because I forgot to. I don't know yet which socks I got, but I'm guessing they are pink (wrong! green!).
I'm going to spin today... Qiviut.
If you've made it this far, here's a Super-Algebraic Sock Pattern for you.
I'm sorry you didn't get to make it... Cid and I didn't either - life was busy getting in everybody's way, I guess. I hope things have settled down at your house, and you're having a nice weekend!
You? Are hilarious. If famous knitters were my BFFs in real life you'd *totally* be the Yarn Harlot.
Oh dear!
You did get derailed didn't you? I'm sorry you didn't get to go becasue it sounded like you were really looking forward to it but on the other hand... it sounds like you managed to have a rather exciting evening anyway ;-)
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