I was teasing that I was going to be sick tomorrow... so the universe answered my call. How could it not?
I have to share.
The other day I received a Hannah Montana gift bag from blogless Correna. She was my designated knitter at the recent sock exchange. The reason for the HM bag is that my secret code name was Strawberry Shortcake... and that was the closest she could come to a match... I was thrilled! Inside is a piece of cashmere soap, some herbal (i typed gerbil.. oh dear.. the sore throat has attacked my brain) cuticle conditioner, a little leather purse key chain, and some lovely hand cream. There is also a small envelope inside which contains a picture of socks.
You must know me well enough to understand how the picture of socks just tickles me.. well, pink. It's almost better than getting socks.. a sock IOU. I'm totally thrilled that B-C got me for a partner, and I LOVE my gift bag. Thank you!
Today the Canadian and International YOL kits went into the mail. This evening I took mine home, and spent part of the evening winding 1/2 of the yarn into a ball. I cast on. I'm on row 10. *sigh*... it's everything you ever dreamed it would be, and more.
The photo? Mandie's Merino/Soy blend that she handpainted... spun by me.
I hope you feel better soon!
Everybody seems to be getting the "Fall Blues" complete with sore throat and runny nose. Were you and Trish hanging out???? Feel better soon (I'd hug ya but really don't want your germs LOL).
Oh, yuckers. This is so going around. Big hugs.
P.S. the Universe is one nasty mutha sometimes.... I don't recommend messing with it. Take your sick day penalty and quit tempting fate. ;)
You'll be happy to know that even down here there are nasty cold bugs. My advice? Tylenol for colds and a good sleep.
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