Now, go from point a to point b.
Point b is approximately where I live. At point a you will find:
Today is day two. (Despite what the website says, they were festing yesterday; no doubt)
I did not hear one word, not one word, about this concert until I got home from work on Friday night. And it went something like this: What the HELL is that?
It must sound stupendously good at Fort Calgary.. but filtered through a few thousand bodies, some trees, a river, some traffic, and then bounced off a condo and directed into my house.. well, some of those people sound like they could use voice lessons. I can't recognize a single song. Not one.
Tomorrow? DAY.THREE. I am so not joking.
Did I knit? Yes I did. I have the magical Oban sweater done to about 2" under the armpits. Did I spin? Yes. About 1/2 a bobbin of Cormo. Did I do housework? Yes; SIL arrived this morning at 11ish, so there was some frantic dust removal. In the process I found the ball of Malabrigo I need to finish Nini's Christmas sweater (under a chair, no less, obviously converted into a dog toy).
It ain't all bad.
Here are two photos of Amy's spinning with fiber I dyed. One is Spaceballs and the other is Reflective Embers. (I heisted the pictures from her ravelry page, but it's about 1am, and just too late to ask permission. So here's me, asking for forgiveness)

psst Denny. Did you get the fiber?
Yet oddly enough, we are very close to Ft. Calgary and we heard nothing. Not. One. Thing. I was hoping to hear the Stone Temple Pilots for free, as we do not waste yarn money on rock & roll shows (except the holy trinity RUSH) but alas, nothing. Sigh.
I didn't hear anything but I'm up in the NW so that doesn't surprise me at all. I saw in the Calgary Sun (I think) that the noise made the front page though. Something about city hall getting a lot of calls.
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