I am so darned excited that I can barely think straight. The story goes like this...
Some months ago I read a blog post by Aunty Tink in which she encouraged knitters to enter their work into the Calgary Stampede Western Showcase. I remembered all the times I've walked by arts displays and thought that I ought to give it a try.. yet I never did.
After discussions with Marilynn (AT herself) I decided that I'd re-knit Evelyn Clark's Heartland Lace Shawl (I had already knitted it once for Jim's mom; we both loved it!). The shawl is inspired by and designed around a bison hoof print.. a great idea for a western themed celebration, don't you think? And she also suggested that I consider using bison.
Have you ever tried to get your hands on 100% bison? At first I considered spinning for it, but I just couldn't get the fiber in time, and the price would have knocked me right out of business anyway.. I began looking for suppliers for the intended yarn (Buffalo Gold), but place after place was sold out. Right at that time I had developed a deep and unexpected friendship with an indi-dyer in Australia; Mandie of EGMTK. Imagine my surprise when I noticed Buffalo Gold on her website!!! After a very brief discussion, Mandie had the yarn in the mail to me.
It takes a little while for a parcel to come from Australia, but it was SO worth it (thanks again Canada Customs). I was totally ready; the project was knitting itself in my imagination and in my heart. Soon it was on my needles, and then blocking wires; finally in Marilynn's hands.. she delivered it to the Stampede Grounds for me because I had to work that day.
Today I found out that it had won second place in the knitted lace accessories category of the Western Showcase! I cannot even begin to relate to you how thrilled and excited I am.. (tho there are a half dozen knitters who could probably relate the story quite well - I might have become the Happy Hour floor show!).
I really want to thank Marilynn and Mandie, and Evelyn too.. It took all four of us to add up to a really great shawl, a beautiful blue ribbon, and about a million really huge smiles.

Who got #1? That would be the same person who won the knitting category overall with her wonderful 'Phoenix Rising' shawl.
Marilynn. She's amazing in so many ways.
Fish pictures? They'll have to wait until tomorrow!
Oh my goodness, thats is super. yay for you.
remember my first ribbon, it is for sure a thrill.
Well done. You know you are at the top of your game, when you get a blue ribbon.
congrats. love denny0x0x
I am still grinning like a fool down here Annie - I am so excited for you!
Thank you so much for your call, you've turned a really crappy week around for me!
Congratulations, you deserve it honey :-)
Congrats to Marilynn too :-)
I'm so happy that everyone won. Your shawl is beautiful. Now do you believe me?
congratulations and what a beautiful shawl too.
Congrats Leanne!!! It's a beautiful shawl, and knowing the story behind it is even better!!
It is absolutely beautiful! Most deserving of that ribbon. Congratulations!
It's beautiful. But I am so not surprised! Anything you set your mind to turns out wonderfully graced by your touch.
Way to go Annie!! Knitters rock!
Sing with me now.....we won, we won, we won, we won, we won....and no shit, I'm so honored to know you and be part of your life!! P.S. I picked you up a pom pom maker on our little trip through Banff. I'll keep it in my sock bag...don't let me forget!! SMOOCH and HUGS!!
Congrats! A beautiful Heartland!
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