I watched a show, some time ago, on the CBC (I believe), and the crux of it was that artistic, intelligent, creative people are most likely to live and work in an extremely messy environment. The story went on to say that we, the messy, are the norm. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I am here to say that my house is quite often a flipping nightmare. But.. I can put my hands on almost anything that matters to me; and quite quickly too.
Yes.. I have dust bunnies (or, some might say, dust elephants). The bathroom is a nightmare. There's 10 pounds of potatoes in a 5 pound bag (per se).
When I think of the messiest people in my life, they are (as a rule) the most creative.
I made a few inquiries around the store tonight.. whose house is a pig sty? You'd be shocked how many hands went up. It was a relief to admit it. We're all for one, and one for all! Alike.
So, how about you? Are you neat as a pin, or do you need 2 days notice (minimum) before anyone steps foot in your house?
Knitting? I'm stalled on sleeve 2 of my Ravelympics project, but.. making some really great progress on a sock that I'm designing. It's beautiful I think.
The clutter around here comes and goes in waves. It accumulates slowly, reaches it's peak (ie - "Baby? Where's the cat..."), then a weekend of frantic neatening ensues. We're clean, just not neat. And the yarn does tend end up everywhere and periodically has to be rounded up and re-confined. ;-)
Pig-sty and it bothers me, I have to either become ok with the mess or find it important enough to clean *sigh*. Until then, messy!
I have a spotless house- but this is due to the fact that we just bought our first house a month ago- I imagine the joy of cleaning it will fade quickly though...
If I've been "creating" it definitely look like an explosion happened- yarn, books, markers, audio books everywhere!
And I can't say our last house was always spotless...after all we have 2 fuzzy friends in the house.
"Nature abhors a vacuum" and I was never one to go against the laws of Nature. Therefore, it is my duty to attempt to fill every empty spot in this house with something...preferably yarn, books, and chocolate.I am definately in the "two days warning before company" group
Wow, it seems I musnt be as creative as the rest of you folks but as those of the knitting world that have been to Chez Nana can attest - you can always drop in to my house (just don't look in the basement where Hubby stores everything under the sun). That being said, I cant find one, never mind all of the my fancy tape measure - hard to measure a sock in progress without one....
My house is never as neat as I'd like. I think part of it is that we need a place 50% bigger than we have for all of our stuff. A shed would be nice at the very least. But my mom - creative and has more ideas than she can ever handle but Monday is cleaning day and she tidies up her work space within 24 hours.
My hand would have been up if I'd have been there. And never mind two days, I want 2 weeks notice or maybe 2 months!
Liza {who must be *very* creative and intelligent ;-) }
Messy. And I hate living like that.
As I mentioned at the store, my house is a disaster, well all "my" areas are. But all the clutter is creative supplies, and dust bunnies... maybe I can figure out how to spin them???
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