Sunday, May 11, 2008

The good news and the bad news

The good news is that it's mother's day and it's Survivor finale to boot, AND I got a call today that my glasses are ready! I was so excited... Jim told me that AMA members get a significant discount, so I asked Lensecrafters about it, and they said.. no problem. Now THAT is good news. I bought Birks with the windfall.

The bad news? I can only see out of the new glasses if I put my ear on my left shoulder.

I wish I was kidding.

The Detonator socks are grinding along. I am very sad at the way they are turning out, so I think I'll make it up to my target with beautiful sock yarn. It's the least I can do.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Lenscrafters how I loathe thee! Nice to know that their bad service isn't just a local thing. People all over the northern hemisphere can enjoy it. Bah! Poor you!