Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Water and more water

Aside from a small bowl of ice cream this evening, I've done pretty well today. My primary lemon loaf supplier was at the shop today, and she was most cooperative! I think I'm going to save her a great deal of Starbucks dollars which can be turned into yarn with the blink of an eye.

I bought a water purifier the other day, and I've been trying to drink a rather large quantity of ounces each day. I made it to the 50% mark yesterday, and was a complete and utter water-fail today. Tomorrow's another day.

So.. if you're a knitter, you might love Qivuit, adore Cashmere. As a spinner? Phew, it has to be Cormo. I continue to comb the hogget fleece and tonight I have enough to spin for a few hours. It's the most yummy, elastic, milky fleece I've ever touched, and I'm having to stop myself from stalking the Cormo farm website looking for a new lamb to call my own.

2010, look out.

Tomorrow two important things happen. Most critical, BFML's step-father is having a triple bypass and a valve replacement. Larry is the best non-blogger you ever haven't read. Maybe when he recovers we can talk him into joining the fray.

(Know what? Grampa is still hanging on. Apparently on the 'miserable grouchy grampa scale' he is measuring 12 on a scale of 1 to 5. Phew.)

And my Mug turns 14. I can hardly believe it.


Shell said...

I love you whether your pants fit or not, that's why the higher powers invented elastic waistbands.

And now I'm coveting cormo and I've yet to spin this month, shame on me... mmmm yummy and high in fiber.

Cindy said...

Happy birthday Mug. Wow, time flies. Are the kids doing circus this year?