Saturday, June 6, 2009


On Thursday, Nini turned two, so Mug, Banana and I drove to Airdrie with a dotley cake (chocolate, as says Nini) and a little book for her. It was all very lovely, and we ate cake until near explosion. Nini had some for an appetizer, and for desert. She ate every bit as much as anybody else did, I think.

Today was the big, fat Greek birthday party, which I did not attend. Mug did tho; she slept over last night.

The plan for today was to do the Motorcycle Ride for Dad with BFML (which started out with a police escorted parade, and proceeded to a long Poker ride, a lunch, and other fun things). Well, at 6am I looked outside and noticed it was snowing. At 8 the snow had gone, but it was really raining. So I backed out. BFML went, and later told me that the Poker ride had been canceled. Damn.. wish I had known that. I could have frozen for a little while, but not for the whole day.

I knitted.. finished a cashmere shawl I was knitting on. I kinda like it. It'll make a nice Stampede Western Showcase entry, and my Aunt will love it when it makes its way to her, I think.

This evening I went to pick up Mug, and my Nini was about coming out of her skin because she was so excited about her new tricycle. She told me about everything that came to mind, and we had cake #2... I found out from her that: Hippos stink. Her shoes had cake on them. She likes to be pushed on the tricycle. Bella went home. Nino is cute. She still can sing herself happy birthday. She 'laloo's me. I should open the doll butt-cream. I could also sing her: one hokey hokey (ok, you don't need help with that one). one chima chima (skinamerinkie dinkie dink). and one happy dirday. Do this 8,000 times please.

She has a lot to say. I'm starting to speak the language, and it's alllll good. But I cannot eat any more dotley cake for a year. Blech.


Domie's Mom said...

Oh I love little People Talk!

Trish said...

Aw.... I was sooo wondering how this went! Glad to hear it was every bit as good and more...


Cindy said...

Sounds great! Love the "dotley" cake!

Catie said...

One of my nieces talks a lot too - it almost makes me tired just listening. Sounds like you all had a blast though.