I thought I'd talk about it, even though putting the intention out into the universe makes me wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew.
You may know that I've been collecting some Qivuit and that I've been spinning it on a tiny drop spindle (on and off for more than a year). I also have about 5 ounces of Bison that I've been spinning on Donna's Rose. So, here is the plan.
In 2010 I'm going to use the Bison to knit something from Nancy Bush's Knitted Lace of Estonia; most likely Miralda's Triangular Shawl. If that goes well, then I'm going to use all of the Qivuit to make a more difficult, and larger piece. I haven't decided on a pattern yet, but I've been doing some research on Galena Khmeleva's work. (fyi.. If you Google 'Galena Khmeleva Estonian Lace', the 5th entry is a blog post by Aunty Tink. I kid you not)
I am wondering what the difference is between Orenburg and Estonian lace, if anything. Chime in Aunty Tink.
So there you have it. No finished objects for me in 2010, that is for certain. If you were hoping for socks, it's looking poor.
I googled 'Galena Khmeleva Estonian Lace' and now your blog is on place 1 and 2 and Aunty Tink's is no.3 ;)
Hey Annie,
AuntyTink would love to comment, but she currently has her head in a bucket. I broke her :( Sorry.
My head is now out of the bucket and I am back.
My understanding is that Estonian shawls have many more nupps in them.
In the class I took from Galena, she said that the Orrenburg knitters were paid by the shawl but had to pay for the weight of the yarn used. Therefore, they made would not have used nupps because that would have added to to weight of the yarn but not increased the price that they would have received. It isn't that they were never used, (They were a pattern feature called mouse tracks)They were not a common pattern in the Orrenburg shawls.
Also, I think the Estonian knitters were paid for the weight of the shawl, so to increase the weight of the shawl by using nupps worked to their advantage.
Of course, I could have dreamed the whole difference up while my head was in the bucket so...
I find that the universe, once it hears your intentions, has an interesting way of letting you know if you're on the right track...
I am in awe of your intention.
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