Having mentioned that I am the blessed recipient of a Let's Knit Series pattern book, I thought I'd also share a link where you can download a document to help with translating Japanese patterns (and buy a few too!).. just in case you'd like to jump on the bandwagon with me. Keeping in mind that 2010 is the year of Estonian Lace knitting (aka: the year of no fo's)... we'll have to shoehorn this teeny tiny endeavor into the schedule. Doable.
Some eye candy for your enjoyment.
Ooo... there is no way that I can wrap my pregnancy addled-brain around that...
What is this about 2010 being the year of Estonian Lace? Is this an Annie thing or is there some larger context? It's very pretty, I've always called those things bobbles or popcorns, "nupps" sounds so much more interesting, lol. I'm with you on the no UFOs. I'm working really hard on that one. Finish what you start.
I have a couple of Japanese knitting books too. It would be fun to try to figure them out together!
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