Denny of SOAR fame? (Scroll to October 15th)
Denny who lit up the Knitting Olympics?
Denny who created the knitting rule 'no knitting gray in the winter'?
Denny, who makes everything just a little brighter? Well, you cannot even imagine how thrilled I was to find out that she is a friend of Amy and Sandra's and that she'd be visiting the shop this past Friday. I think I might have jumped up and down when I found out.
Arrive she did, complete with knitting and a Louet Victoria. She joined a big group of us in wine and cupcakes and just a few surprising and unexpected events. Initially, Amy looked out the window and caught the 'tail end' of a bottle picker having a poop in the alley across the street. Believe me when I tell you, this isn't a common occurrence, but buddy did become the 'butt' (sorry, I just had to) of about 50,000 jokes. Later in the afternoon the fire alarm went off and caused Pumper #1 to arrive, complete with a number of super hot (apology #2.. which automatically becomes #3 because of the #2 comment) firemen. I've never had so much fun at a fire alarm in my entire life. It works really, really well, I might add. I'm sure that people downtown knew that our alarm was going off. I hope to be able to hear again one day soon.
And by the way... I was right about Denny. She is fun. She is kind. She is an amazing knitter and spinner as well. She is everything you ever imagined and more.
Here's a picture of Denny and Amy, where Denny is holding some fiber that I dyed. I will grin when I think of that for the rest of my life.

Oh my! Look at the way Denny is clutching all that loot - too funny!!
Damn straight she needed to re-home some of your fibre, it looks DIVINE!
I hope the Postie comes a knockin' tomorrow......
I have to quit going home early!
Aren't you as cute as a button, in your little tiara. Well me and the family had such a good time at the shop. I wanted to ask you about the tigers on label. Are they friends of yours?? That batt is mine and the other is for Megan at Lettuce Knit.
Cause it's from the market in France, and our shop is in the market in Toronto. I loved meeting you, and all the other gals that day,the high light of my Dennyxx0x0
The tigers on the label are from the Calgary Zool. The baby was born last spring.
I tell you Denny, that was one of the best days ever! I hope the rest of your vacation was/is (are you home?) twice as good!
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